

Software for nanogenerators test

3DScavengers team have developed a new computer program called ‘NanoDataLyzer’ that allows the scientific community, focused especially on research into nanogenerators, to speed up the calculations and analysis of the functionality of these devices. These devices are currently used in technological applications related to the Internet of Things (IoT), as well as the renewable energy industry, medicine and smart agriculture.


Dr. Javier Castillo-Seoane

Javier Castillo-Seoane defended his doctoral thesis titled Low dimensional optoelectronic devices enabled by vacuum and plasma technologies carried out within the framework of the 3DScavengers project. The thesis committee considered the results presented by Dr. Castillo-Seoane to be outstanding with a Cum Laudem grade.

Prize in EMRS

Juan Delgado-Álvarez

The PhD student and 3DScavengers team member Juan Delgado-Álvarez has been awarded by the organizers of the symposium led by Zhon Lin Wang for the best oral contribution.


Seminar: Dr. David Martin

On Tuesday 30 April, Dr. David Sánchez, who is now a Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellow at IMSE, will give a talk titled Exploiting random manufacturing variations to create physical identifiers for digital security applications in Institute of Materials Science.

Outreach 11F

500 students

NanoOnnSurf goes to educational centers in Seville to spread science and promote scientific vocations among girls. The team will disseminate the 3Dscavengers project to more than 500 students.


Ebro Foods 2022

Javier Castillo, a Ph.D. student on the 3DScavengers team, has been awarded first prize, valued at 10,000 euros, in the 13th Edition of the Ebro Foods 2022 awards, whose objective is to promote the young research talent of CicCartuja researchers.


Dr. Pablo Ares

On Monday 8 May, the doctor of the condensed matter department of the Autonomous University of Madrid and IFIMAC, Pablo Ares, will give one seminar within the 3DScavengers in Instituto de Ciencias Materiales de Sevilla (ICMS).


I.D. of Women and Girls in Science

“What do scientists do?” is the activity organized by the Nanotechnology in Surfaces and Plasma group of the Institute of Material Sciences of Seville (ICMS) on the occasion of the Day of Women and Girls in Science.


Ph.D. Yaroslav Grosu

On Tuesday 15 November, the group leader of the Interfacial Phenomena, Colloids and Porous Media group at CIC energiGUNE, Ph.D. Yaroslav Grosu, will give two seminars within the 3DScavengers in Instituto de Ciencias Materiales de Sevilla (ICMS).


Prof. Inkyu Park

You can attend online at this link or in person at the Instituto de Ciencias Materiales de Sevilla (ICMS). If you are not a member of this center to access the facilities you need to send your name, surname and ID to the following email (


Grant from the French Embassy

Ph.D. Lidia Contreras Bernal, received a grant from the French Embassy to carry out a stay at the lnstitut de recherche interdisciplinaire de Grenoble – French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (IRIG-CEA).


Young Research Award

Javier Castillo Seoane, PhD student of the 3D Scavengers team, was honored with the Young Research Award in the 2022 National Congress of Materials (CNMAT) organized by Spanish society of materials (SOCIEMAT).



We will collaborate with E-MRS in the organization of the symposium “Materials, components, and characterization of energy harvesters for self-powered devices” at the Fall Meeting 2022


Ph.D. Xang Bai in Seville

The 3DScavengers team invited Ph.D. Yang Bai (University of Oulu), expert researcher in energy harvesting, to give a conference entitled ‘Photoferroelectrics for self-sufficient microelectronics’ in Seville.


Losada Villasante

Ph. D. Ana Borrás wins the Losada Villasante award for innovation with the 3DScavengers project. These awards are intended to support innovative initiatives that benefit society as a whole.


Ebro Foods 2021

Xabier García wins the Ebro Foods 2021 award (CicCartuja – Ebro Food) for his article “Plasma Engineering of Microstructured Piezo – Triboelectric Hybrid Nanogenerators for Wide Bandwidth Vibration Energy Harvesting” published on the cover of Nano Energy.


Juan de La Cierva

Ph. Lidia Contreras granted with a Juan de La Cierva-Formación postdoctoral fellowship.



Selection criteria

Ph.D. Ana Borras was nominated as AcademiaNet member


Know more!

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