Mr. Xabier GarcĂa Casas
Mr. Xabier Garcia-Casas has degrees in Physics and in Materials Engineering from the University of Seville and he currently studies a Master in Science and Technology of novel Materials. He started his research within the FAMN department of the Physics Faculty and in the Materials Science Institute of Seville (ICMS) thank to researching grants provided by CSIC and the University of Seville. As a result of that work, he won an accessit in the Archimedes University Competition organized by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Universities. Now, he is enjoying a Research Collaboration Grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education within the Inorganic Chemistry department of the Chemistry Faculty at the University of Seville. His Research interests include 1D nanoelectronics, energy harvesting devices, and laser processing of materials.
3D core-multishell piezoelectric nanogenerators, Filippin, A.N., Sanchez-Valencia, J.R., Garcia-Casas, X., Lopez-Flores, V., Macias-Montero, M., Frutos, F., Barranco, A., Borras, A., Nano Energy 58 (2019) 476-483