Dr. Jorge Alejandro Budagosky
Dr. Jorge A. Budagosky has obtained his Diploma in Advanced Studies in Physics from the University of Valencia, defending his PhD at this University in 2011 with the title “Effect of strain in the structural, electronic and optical properties of self-assembled GaN/AlN quantum dots”.
In 2011 he started his postdoc at the University of Antwerp (Belgium) working in 2Optical properties of semiconductor quantum dots and quantum wires with complex shapes under moderate and strong external magnetic fields”. After this period (2013), he moved to the Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems at the University of Zaragoza, to work in “Time dynamics and control in nanostructures for magnetic recording and energy applications”. In 2016 he continued his research in computational physics at the Donostia International Physics Center in San Sebastián-Donostia, working in Theoretical Spectroscopy and on the “Development of efficient ab-initio computational methods for the calculation of the response function of realistic crystals.”
Relevant Publications
- All-electron product basis set: Application to plasmon anisotropy in simple metals. J. A. Budagosky; E. E. Krasovskii. Physical Review B. 99, pp. 245149. 2019.
- Cross-section geometry effects in the subband structure and spin-related properties of a HgTe/CdTe nanowire. J. A. Budagosky. Physical review B. 96, pp. 115443. American Physical Society, 2017.
- Optical properties of wurtzite GaN/AlN quantum dots grown on non-polar planes: the effect of stacking faults in the reduction of the internal electric field.v J. A. Budagosky; N. Garro; A. Cros; A. García-Cristóbal; S. Founta; B. Daudin. Material Science in Semiconductor Processing. 49, pp. 76 – 80. 2016.
- Shaped electric fields for fast optimal manipulation of electron spin and position in a double quantum dot. J. A. Budagosky; D. V. Khomitsky; E. Ya. Sherman; A. Castro. Physical Review B. 93, pp. 035423. American Physical Society, 2016.
- Ultrafast single electron spin manipulation in 2D semiconductor quantum dots with optimally controlled time-dependent electric fields through spin-orbit coupling. Jorge A. Budagosky; Alberto Castro. The European Physical Journal B. 88, pp. 15. EDP Sciences, Società Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag 2015, 2015.
- Mechanism of GaN quantum dot overgrowth by Al0.5Ga0.5N: Strain evolution and phase separation. M. Korytov; J. Budagosky; J. Brault; T. Huault; M. Benaissa; T. Neisius; J.-L. Rouvière; P. Vennéguès. Journal of Applied Physics. 111, pp. 084309. American Physical Society, 2012.
- Temperature dependence of the E2h phonon mode of wurtzite GaN/AlN quantum dots. J. Budagosky; A. García Cristóbal; A. Cros. Journal of Applied Physics. 104, pp. 094904.American Physical Society, 2008.
- Influence of strain in the reduction of the internal electric field in GaN/AlN quantum dots grown on a-plane 6H-SiC. A. Cros; J. Budagosky; A. García Cristóbal; N. Garro; A. Cantarero; S. Founta; H. Mariette; B. Daudin.. Physica Status Solidi B. 243, pp. 1499 – 1507. WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 2006.
- Mechanism of GaN quantum dots capped with AlN: An AFM, electron microscopy, and X-ray anomalous diffraction study. A. Cros; J. Budagosky; E. Bellet Amalric; J.-L. Rouvière; V.Fabre-Nicolin; M. G. Proietti; H. Renevier; B. Daudin. Physical Review B. 74, pp. 195302. American Physical Society, 2006.
- Reduction of the internal electric field in wurtzite a-plane GaN self-assembled quantum dots. N. Garro; A. Cros; J. Budagosky; A. Cantarero; A. Vinattieri; M. Gurioli; S. Founta; H. Mariette; B. Daudin. Applied Physics Letters. 87, pp. 011101. American Physical Society, 2005.